Hyppää sisältöön

Hae sanastosta

Sisällön kieli

Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

International relations  


  • Coexistence
  • Foreign affairs
  • Foreign policy
  • Foreign relations
  • Global governance
  • Interdependence of nations
  • Peaceful coexistence
  • World order


  • Here are entered theoretical works on the relations among the nations of the world. Works on general political history and historical accounts of relations among nations are entered under [World politics.] Works on the foreign relations of an individual country are entered under the name of the country with the subdivision [Foreign relations.]


  • Note under [World politics]

Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Luotu 9.6.2005, viimeksi muokattu 21.4.2011