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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

PN1993-PN1999Motion pictures  


  • Cinema
  • Feature films--History and criticism
  • Films
  • Movies
  • Moving-pictures


  • This heading is used as a topical heading for general works about motion pictures themselves, including motion pictures as an art form, copyrighting, distribution, editing, plots, production, etc. Works about the technical aspects of making motion pictures and their projection onto a screen are entered under [Cinematography.] Works about the technical aspects of making video recordings, i.e., creating and storing moving images in an electronic form and displaying them on an electronic display are entered under [Video recording.] Works about the artistic aspects of making video recordings are entered under [Video recordings--Production and direction.]


  • Notes under [Cinematography; Video recording; Video recordings--Production and direction]


  • PN1993-PN1999



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