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Käsitteen tiedot

Physiology > Reproduction
Science > Life sciences > Biology > Physiology > Reproduction
Science > Life sciences > Biology > Physiology > Reproduction

Käytettävä termi



  • Also use under individual animals and groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants for works on the physiological processes, sexual or asexual, by which organisms generate offspring of the same kind. For works on the controlled mating and selection of the organisms by humans, usually for the purpose of improving the species or breed, use the subdivision [Breeding.]
  • Use as a topical subdivision under individual art forms and headings for national or ethnic art for the processes of producing images of the art.


  • Note under the subdivision [Breeding]
  • Reference under the headings [Art--Reproduction; Plants--Reproduction; Reproduction]



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Luotu 8.7.1999, viimeksi muokattu 10.5.2006